Enterprise Commerce Cloud System (ECCS)
ECCS is a Retail as a Service (RaaS) platform which full-fledged E-commerce management system that empowers business with E-commerce Cart System, Omnichannel Integration System and Warehouse System.

Canal Cart
Canal Cart is our E-commerce Cart System. Our Canal Cart able to asist you in expanding your online business with full range of payment gateways.

Canal Integration
Canal Integration is our Omnichannel Integration System. It is a platform to grow and expand your online business in multiple channels under one management system.

Website Development
Need to build a new website or revamp your website by integrating a sofisticated E-commerce system? We would able to provide you ONE-STOP-SOLUTION in E-commerce start with your new brand website.

Our Strength Values

Reseach and Analyzing
We are dedicated to providing high-quality, data-led analysis in your business regardless any natural business fields you are in. Our expertise would suggest the best solutions after well-knowing your requirements and your needs. We always know what is the best for you!

Strategy Plans & Solutions
Our team never fail to establish strategic direction by articulating your business's vision, mission, core values and overarching goals in digital channels.

Performance & Engagement
Our consultant always provide support to your business by monitoring your businessess' performance and customer engagement level. From the level of point, we will continuously assist in expanding your business.
MC3 is a data processing service that provides comprehensive and accurate reports in real time, and a dedicated dashboard (access analysis) for each client.
This service will be offered to Japanese companies that operate e-commerce and corporate websites in Indonesia and wish to improve sales and site quality.

Enterprise Commerce Cloud System (ECCS)
Customers' shopping needs are diverse and always growing. It is essential to respond to customer journeys from offline to online and grow your business together with your customers' need in any sales channel. ECCS able to bring your business to another level by integrating with E-commerce Cart System, Omnichannel Integration System and Warehouse System.

Canal Cart
Canal Cart is E-commerce Cart System. It is a platform to bring your sales through online from offline. Easy implementation and easy to be used. Yet, this system also provide live monitor sales order in offline store and online store.

Canal Integration
Heard of multichannel or omnichannel? Let's find out more about our Canal Integration.
Canal Integration is Omnichannel Integration System which allow you to intergrate your business in all marketplaces under one management system.

Website Development Service
Builiding your customise E-commerce website is just a start to build your brand and business through online. With the integration of our ECCS or Canal Cart, we are sure that you can see more sales oppotunities.
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Press Release / Latest News

Webinar: Improve Your E-commerce Business in Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand,Indonesia and Japan

ウェビナー シンガポール、マレーシア、タイ、インドネシア、日本におけるECビジネスの改善について
このたび、シンガポール、マレーシア、タイ、インドネシア、日本におけるECビジネスの現状と課題について、セミナーを開催する運びとなりました。このセミナーでは、シンガポール、マレーシア、タイ、インドネシアのECビジネスの現状に焦点を当て、進化するデジタル環境をより効果的に活用するための重要なヒントが詰まっております。講師として、ナティア氏とアジ氏をご紹介します。デジタル時代のオンラインビジネスを成功させるための豊富な経験や独自の視点について、業界のベテランである両氏にお話いただきました。セミナーの日程-2023年3月22日 マレーシア、シンガポール、日本、インドネシア向け-2023年3月29日 タイからの参加者のみ。

Launched "EC Integrate", an EC support platform that can centrally manage store openings from free to major EC malls in Indonesia
In EC in ASEAN including Indonesia, opening stores in major EC malls in each country is the mainstream. Opening stores in multiple EC malls is ...........